Statistics/Science Course Platform - Project

This project was put together for

Diary of a Biostatician

dbiostat is short for “Diary of a Biostatician” which shares content and notes by Honorine M. Kwizera, a Biostatistics Ph.D. Candidate at Columbia University,
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This was our goal for this project

Creating a dynamic website with course content

dbiostat is short for “Diary of a Biostatician” which shares content and notes by Honorine M. Kwizera, a Biostatistics Ph.D. Candidate at Columbia University, in order to help other college students going through Biostats.

This project was challenging.

Creating custom post types with custom fields and archive pages for the courses

dbiostat is short for “Diary of a Biostatician” which shares content and notes by Honorine M. Kwizera, a Biostatistics Ph.D. Candidate at Columbia University, in order to help other college students going through Biostats.

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