The Wrong Way To Sell | BUYYY MY STUFF - Amateur Salesman (explicit) - Video

The Wrong Way to sell | BUYYY MY STUFF – Amateur salesman (explicit)

About this video

Selling is hard. It is a skill that you have to constantly work on to make it better. That being said if you are selling, then good for you because many people don’t even try. Some people think they do while they don’t. To know if you are, ask yourself the following questions: How many sales pitches have you given this week? How many people who qualify have you pitched to this week? How many sales have you made this week? In this video, you will learn the wrong way to sell. Unfortunately, that’s how many people sell. They focus on the products and not the customer. First, you have to target the right customer for your product. A customer that needs your product. Second, you have to talk and ask them and learn more about why they need the product. Then explain to them that this product is exactly going to help solve their problems. If you would like to know the right way to sell, here is an article for you

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